H3303 ST10

Colour and character

The H3303 Natural Hamilton Oak is an absolutely authentic oak with striking, dark inclusions and knots in a classic natural colour scheme. In furniture design, this decor is often combined with white or modern sand tones as a calming counterpoint. It also works well for large surfaces in interior design, as the striking elements do not repeat so often due to the XL repeat. The ST10 Deepskin Rough surface texture rounds off the look with an authentic feel. In the EGGER Interior Match, this decor is the same as the EPL103 laminate flooring from the EGGER PRO Flooring Collection 2021+.

Decor and combination recommendations

Our recommendations for matching decors

F032 ST78 Grey Cascia Granite

U156 ST9 Sand Beige

U115 ST9 Carat Beige

W1000 ST9 Premium White


Dimensions: 2800 x 2070

Thickness: 8mm – 18mm – 25mm